Privacy Policy

Crest Industries, Inc. take the privacy of their employees and those individuals and businesses (collectively, “You”) that interact with the Crest websites, products, or services (collectively, “Services”) seriously. To that end, this policy (“Policy”) is designed to clearly and concisely describe the ways in which Crest collects, stores, uses, shares, and releases all data You provide to, or is otherwise obtained by, Crest (collectively, “Information”).
Information Crest Collects
Depending on Your relationship with Crest or the Services you purchase or use, Crest may collect some or all of the following information about You:
Your name, email address, physical address or location, date of birth, gender, ethnicity, social security number or other government-issued identification numbers, phone number, or other personally identifiable or demographic information;
Your employment history, educational background, references, employee files, or evaluations;
The name and physical address of Your business;
The name, email address, physical address, or phone number of Your employees, customers, or other third-parties that interact with You when using the Services;
Your or Your employees’ behavioral history such as IP addresses, internet traffic information, cookies, browsing history, or history of your interactions with the Services; and any content you contribute to, post on, or share when using the Services.
The above list is not intended to be exhaustive but gives you a sense of the many pieces of data that constitute Information for the purposes of this Policy.